DIY body scrub

Asia made me addicted to body scrubs. Because of the weather and lifestyle, I need to be double careful about skin care. Regular scrubbing allows me to keep my skin moisturised and looking healthy. But it is also my aroma ritual that gives me energy and leaves my skin smelling nice (especially when I use chocolate, caramel, coffee, vanilla and coconut scrubs) . I had my favourite shop in Bangkok where every few weeks I was buying scrubs to make sure it won’t be missing in my bathroom. In KL I haven’t discovered places with organic and not too expensive scrubs yet, so I need to make it on my own! Since I always have coconut oil (that’s my biggest addiction in Asia) at home and since I heard coffee makes your skin smoother and helps get rid of cellulite, I decided to make use of my daily morning coffee and mix it with coconut oil, which has amazing effects on the skin and body. The combination of smells is quite intensive but works perfectly fine for me ! The recipe is very simple and easy to make at home and I share it below:

Cocoffee Body Scrub

(Coffee and Coconut oil)

recycled coffee grounds – 2 tablespoons

Coconut oil – 3 tablespoons

Brown sugar- 1 tablespoon * (optional)

Mix it all and use as usual scrub.

*This scrub doesn’t irritate the skin, but if you are used to stronger effects you can add 1 spoon of sugar.



IMG_1630 An intensive and energising smell plus very smooth (VERY VERY SMOOTH 🙂 !!), moisturised and shiny skin after makes me use it almost every morning !

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